Alberta Blue Cross - Retiree - Level C
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Ambulance Services
Dental Services
Hearing Aids
Medical Supplies
Paramedical Services
Prescription Drugs
Vision Care
Available Optional Add-ons:
This plan doesn't offer any optional add-ons
More information
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- $20,000
Ambulance Services
Covers trips to hospital in a licensed ambulance in your home province/territory of residence. Covers charges up to the amount between what your government health insurance plan covers and what is reasonable and customary.
- Ground & Air ambulance: 100%
Dental Services
Basic and preventive care
- Includes checkups, cleanings, fillings, extractions and root canals
- 80% reimbursement
- 50% reimbursement
- 80% reimbursement
- 50% reimbursement
- Includes crowns, bridges and implants (two year waiting period)
$2,000 combined annual dental maximums
Hearing Aids
- Hearing aids (per four years): $1,000
Medical Supplies
- Blood pressure monitor (per five years): $150
- CPAP sleep apnea appliance (per five years): $750
- Custom braces (per two years): 70%; $750
- Foot orthotics (per two years): $300
- Ileostomy/colostomy, urinary catheters and supplies (per year): $1,200
- Mastectomy prosthesis (per two years): $200 for single; $400 for double
- Maximum per brassiere (maximum two per year): $50
- Medical aids (per year; crutches, canes, cervical collars, walkers, splints, trusses and traction kits): $250
- Oxygen and equipment (per year): $1,000
- Prosthetics (per year): $300
- Surgical stockings (per year): $200
- Wheelchair (per three years): $1,500
Paramedical Services
- Accidental dental care (per incident): $2,500
- Acupuncturist, homeopath, osteopath and naturopath (per visit): $50
- Combined maximum (per year; includes acupuncturist, homeopath, osteopath and naturopath): $650
- Chiropractor (per visit): $35
- Physiotherapist and massage therapist (per visit): $50
- Combined maximum (per year; includes chiropractor, physiotherapist and massage therapist): $750
- Podiatrist and chiropodist (per visit): $25
- Combined maximum (per year; includes podiatrist and chiropodist): $300
- Psychologist (including iCBT) (per visit/per year): $75/$750
- Speech language pathologist (per visit/per year): $80/$500
- Individual Assistance Program (IAP) (per calendar years): 12 sessions
Prescription Drugs
- Direct bill
- 80% reimbursement
- $3,000 annual maximum
- 100% reimbursement
- $5 million lifetime maximum
- Coverage provided for the first 90 days of a trip
- Covers travel outside of your province or territory or outside of Canada
- Available until the age of 85
If you have a pre-existing medical condition where symptoms have appeared or required medical attention, hospitalization or treatment (this includes changes in medication or dosage), and existed during the 3 months before your trip, expenses related to this condition are not included.
Vision Care
- Including eye exams (per two years): $500