Aeva is on a mission to reshape health insurance in Canada

We're working to modernize Canadian Health Insurance and deliver an experience that helps people make easier, better informed choices - but more importantly saves people time so they can get back to the important things in their lives - like living.

Our story

The process of buying health insurance is...bad

Having spent a decade helping thousands of Canadian families with their health insurance needs, using slow and manual processes and trading many emails and phone calls - it was time for a better way.

Shopping for plans is hard. Information is spread out across the internet, isn't easy to find, and difficult to compare. We wanted to bring all this information together and make it accessible for people.

Historically, if you were looking for a health plan, you might search online, get frustrated and eventually call a broker - only to trade more information back and forth. We wanted empower people to make an informed decision right away from the comfort of their couch.

Choosing a plan for your family isn't intuitive. Which type of plan is the right one? The wrong plan can mean potentially being underinsured and getting poor value. We wanted to show the most appropriate plans to people based on their unique circumstances.

We felt that shopping for a health insurance plan should be as easy as shopping for a flight is today.

...and thus, Aeva was born.

Our values

Here's what's important to us

These are the things we're focused on at Aeva.

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Objective Advice

We want to offer people consistent, objective advice - based on their unique circumstances. Free to use. No pressure to buy anything.

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Quick & Easy

We want to enable people to apply online themselves or if preferred get advice from a licensed professional advisor.

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Any Budget

We want to offer options for all budgets - enabling people to select the best plan they  can sustainably afford.

Icon of a shop.

Trusted & Reliable

We want to offer plans from the most reputable insurance companies in Canada - to ensure any plan you choose will continue to work for you in decades to come.

Ready? Let's find you a plan

Let us take care of getting you covered.