What is individual health and dental insurance?
Health and dental care plans are sometimes referred to as 'individual,' 'private,' 'extended,' or 'supplemental' health and dental insurance.
These are all synonymous terms and really just different labels attempting to describe the exact same thing. That is: a health and dental insurance plan that you own, you pay for, and you control. You have a direct relationship with the insurance company.
When they are referred to as 'extended' or 'supplemental,' it is because they are designed to extend (aka supplement) your provincial government health care plan.
When they are alternatively referred to as 'private' or 'individual,' it is because they are paid for and owned by you - as opposed to paid for by someone else on your behalf (e.g., an employer or the government).
These are all synonymous terms and really just different labels attempting to describe the exact same thing. That is: a health and dental insurance plan that you own, you pay for, and you control. You have a direct relationship with the insurance company.
When they are referred to as 'extended' or 'supplemental,' it is because they are designed to extend (aka supplement) your provincial government health care plan.
When they are alternatively referred to as 'private' or 'individual,' it is because they are paid for and owned by you - as opposed to paid for by someone else on your behalf (e.g., an employer or the government).